abbuono, bonifico, indennità |
indemnité-allowance |
compensation |
Aufwandstentschadigung-shadenersatz |
accantonamento |
dotation -accrual |
allocation to provision |
ruckstellung/rucklage |
accantonamento per ammortamento |
dotation pour amortissement |
allocation for depreciation |
ruckstellung fur abschreibung |
acconto |
acompte |
payment on account |
abschlagszahlung/anzahlung |
aliquota di ammortamento |
taux d'amortissement |
rate of depreciation |
abschreibung-tilgunsat |
ammontare lordo (netto) |
montant brut(net) |
gross(net)amount |
bruttobetrag/nettobetrag |
ammortamento anticipato |
amortissement anticipé |
anticipated depreciation |
vorzeitigen abschreibung |
ammortamento di immobilizzazione |
amortissement |
depreciation |
amortization- abschreibung |
anticipo |
avance |
payment in advance |
gewahrte vorschusse, vorauszahlung |
apporto in natura |
apport en nature |
contribution in kind |
sacheinnlagen |
assegno circolare - |
chèque en circulation |
outstanding cheque |
ausstehende schecks |
attività |
actif |
asset |
aktiv, vermogen |
attività a breve termine |
actif réalisable court terme |
current asset |
umlaufvermogen |
attività realizzabile a medio e lungo termine |
actif réalisable long terme |
non current asset |
forderungen langsfristige |
attivo fisso |
actif immobilisé |
fixed assets |
anlagevermogen |
avviamento |
fonds de commerce- |
goodwill |
firmenwert |
azione nominativo |
action nominative |
registred share/stock |
namenaktie |
bilancio |
bilan, balance |
balance sheet |
jahresabschluss |
bilancio di verifica |
balance générale |
trial balance- |
hauptabschlussubersicht |
beni |
biens |
assets |
wirtschaftsguter |
bolla di consegna |
acquit d'accompagnement |
packing slip |
lieferschein |
bolla doganale |
acquit de douane |
custom entry certificate |
zollschein |
bonifico |
virement |
bank transfer |
uberweisung |
bozza, minuta, tratta |
traite |
draft |
tratte, wechsel |
buoni del tesoro |
bons |
treasury stock, govern securities |
schatzanweisungen |
cambiale |
lettre de change |
bill of exchange |
wechsel |
cambiale attiva |
effets à recevoir |
note or bill receveable |
besitzwechsel |
cambiale insoluta, in sofferenza |
effets impayés |
dishonoured note (or bill) |
wechsel nicht eigenloster |
cambiale passiva |
effets à payer |
note payable |
schuldwechsel |
cancellazione, svalutazione |
annulation, dévaluation |
write off |
annulierung |
capiotale sociale |
capital social |
owner'equity |
stammkapital |
capitale sottoscritto |
capital souscrit |
subscribed capital |
kapital gezeichnetes |
capitale versato |
capital versé |
paid in capital |
kapital eingezahltes |
causa legale |
cause, litige |
lawsuit |
aktie |
certificato azionario |
action |
share certificate |
aktie |
cessione di crediti |
cession des créances |
assignation of debts |
forderungabtretung |
collegio sindacale |
Commissaires aux comptes/conseil de surveillance |
board of stutory auditors |
aufsichtsrat |
contabile |
comptable |
bookkeeper, accountant |
buchhalter |
conto economico |
compte des pertes et profits |
income statement |
gewinn und verlustrechnung |
conto sintetico di mastro |
compte collectif |
control account |
sammelkonto |
contratto collettivo di lavoro |
convention collective du travail |
labour agreement |
tarifvertrag |
costo medio |
cout moyen |
average cost |
durschnittskosten |
crediti dubbi/irrecuperabili |
créance douteuse irrécouvrable |
doubtful/bad accounts |
forderung uneinbringliche |
credito |
créances, crédit |
account receivable |
credit-forderungen |
dazio doganale |
droit de douane- |
customs duty |
zoll |
debito |
dettes |
debit-account payable |
debit-verbindlichlkeiten |
debito verso fornitore |
dettes/fournisseurs |
trade account payable |
lieferverbindlichkeiten |
dichiarazione dei redditi |
déclaration des revenues |
return of income |
einkommensteuererklarung |
dichiarazione fiscale |
déclaration fiscale |
tax return |
steuererklarung |
diritto di prelazione |
droit de préemtion |
preemption or preferential right |
vorkaufsrecht |
disponibilità di cassa |
disponibilité de caisse |
cash on hard |
kassenbestand |
distinta di versamento |
borderau, feuille de versement |
deposit slip |
einzahlungsbeleg |
documenti contabili annuali |
comptes annuels |
financial statements |
jahresabschluss |
ducumento giustificativo |
pièce justificative |
voucher |
-buchungsbeleg |
erario |
le trésor |
the treasury |
finanzamt |
esercizio sociale |
exercise social |
financial/fiscal year |
rechnungsjahr |
estratto conto |
extrait de compte |
Statement of account |
kontoauszug |
estratto conto bancario |
extrait de compte bancaire/relevé bancaire |
bank statement |
bank kontoauszug |
fattura |
facture |
invoice, bill |
rechnung |
fatturazione |
facturation |
billing |
fido |
limite de crédit |
credit limit |
kredit |
fidejussioni |
cautionnement |
Contrat of guarantee |
burgschaften kaution |
fondo ammortamento |
Provision pour amortissement |
accumulated depreciation |
ruckstellung fur abschreibung |
fondo svalutazione |
provisionpour dépréciation |
accumulated depreciation (US)- depreciation fund (UK) |
wertberichtigung |
fondo per imposte e tasse |
provision pour impots |
provision for taxes |
steuerruckstellungen |
fondo TFR |
provision pour indemnité d'ancienneté |
provision for staff leaving |
dienstalterszulage entlassungsfonds |
fondo rischi |
provision pour risques et charges |
reserves(UK) |
ruckstellung |
fondo stabilizzazione dividendi |
réserve pour régularisation des dividendes |
dividend equalization reserve |
dividendengarantierucklage |
fondo svalutazione crediti |
provision pour créances douteuses |
provision for doubtful debts/allowance for doubtful debts |
delkredere |
fornitori |
fournisseurs |
suppliers |
lieferanten |
girare - |
endosser |
to endorse |
indossieren |
guadagno o perdita di natura - |
plus- patrimoniale value ou moins- value de cession |
capital gain or loss- |
verausserungsgewinn/verausserungverlust |
immobilizzazioni finanziarie |
immobilisations financières |
long term loans & investiments |
finanzanlagen |
immobilizzazioni immateriali |
immobilisations incorporelles |
intangible asset/intangibles (US) |
anlagen |
immobilizzazioni materiali |
immobilizations corporelles |
fixed assets |
sachanlagen |
importo forfettario |
montant forfeitaire |
lump sum |
pauschalbetrag |
imposta sul reddito |
impot sur le revenue |
income tax |
einkommensteuer |
indennità di licenziamento del personale |
indemnité de renvoi d'ancienneté |
leaving indemnity |
personalabfindungsfond |
interesse composto |
intéret composé |
compound interest |
zinseszins |
interesse passivo ( attivo ) |
intéret passif |
interest paid (received) |
passivzinsen |
interesse maturato |
intéret maturé |
accrued interest |
aufgalaufen zinsen |
ipoteca |
hypothéque |
mortgage |
hypothek |
mehrwertsteuer |
lavori in corso |
travaux en cours |
work in progress |
erzeugnisse unfertige |
lavoro in appalto |
travaux contractuels |
contract work |
unternehmer |
libro soci |
livre des associés |
share register |
gesellschafterbuch |
merce viaggiante |
marchandises en route |
goods in transit |
unterwegsware |
multa |
amende, contravention |
fine |
geldstrafe, busse |
mutuo ipotecario |
emprunt hyphothéque |
mortgage loan |
hypothekardarlehen |
obbligazione ipotecaria |
obligation fonciére |
mortgage bond |
pfandbriefe |
offerta |
offre |
bid |
angebot |
pagamento per cassa |
paiment par caisse |
cash disbursement |
auszahlung bei kasse |
partita doppia |
compatibilité en partie double |
entry bookkeeping |
doppelte buchfuhrung |
passività a breve termine |
passif réalisable à court terme |
current liability |
verbindlichkeiten kurzfristige |
passività a medio e lungo termine |
passif réalisable à long terme |
non current liability |
verbindlichkeiten langsfristige |
patrimonio netto |
patrimoine net |
equity |
reinwermogen |
pedaggio |
péage |
toll |
autobahngabuhr |
piano dei conti |
plan des comptes |
chart of accounts |
kontenrahmen |
piccola cassa |
petite caisse |
petty cash |
nebenkasse |
portafoglio titoli |
titres de placement |
marketable security |
wertpapiere des umlaufvermogens |
prestazioni di servizi |
prestations de services |
rendering of services |
dienstleistungen |
prestito obbligazionario |
emprunt obligationnaire |
debenture loan |
anleihe |
mutuo |
emprunt |
loan- |
ausleihung |
prezzo di riscatto |
valeur de rachat |
repurchase price |
einloungskurs, ruckkaufskurs |
prezzo medio ponderato |
prix moyen pondéré |
gewogene durschnittspreis |
proprietà immobiliare |
propriété |
real estate |
grundbesitz, grundvermogen |
ragione sociale |
raison sociale |
corporate name |
-firmenname |
rata |
echéance |
instalment |
ratenzahlung |
rateo attivo/passivo |
compte de régularisation actif/passif |
accrued income/liability- |
rechnungsabgrenzungsposten aktive/passive |
reddito imponibile |
revenue imposable |
taxable income |
einkommensteuerpflichtiges |
registrare |
enregistrer |
to enter |
buchung |
rendimento |
revenue |
yield- |
rentabilitat |
ricavi |
produits |
operating income |
betriebsertrage |
rimanenze |
valeurs d'exploitation |
inventory |
vorrate |
ripartizione delle spese generali |
répartition des frais généraux |
allocation of overhead expenses |
riporto a nuovo |
report à noveau |
carried-farward |
saldovertrag |
rischio |
risque |
contingency- |
risiko |
risconto attivo/passivo |
compte de régularusation actif/passif |
deferred charges/prepaid expenses |
rechnungsabgrenzungsposten aktive/passive |
ritenuta fiscale |
retenue fiscale |
tax withholding |
quellensteuer |
ritenuta alla fonte |
retenue à la source |
tax deduction of source |
quellenbesteuerung |
riunione del CDA |
réunion du conseil d'amministration |
director's meeting |
ratsversammlung |
rivalutazione |
réévaluation |
write-up, revaluation |
neubewertung |
rotazione delle scorte |
rotation des stocks |
inventory turnover |
lagerumschlag |
saldo di chiusura |
balance de cloture |
closing balance |
abschussaldo |
saldo rettificato |
balance adjusted |
adjusted balance |
berichtigungssaldo |
scadenza, termine |
echéance, délai |
due date, expiration |
falligkeit |
sconto attivo/passivo |
escompte active/passive |
discount received (paid) |
skonto |
scoperto |
découvert |
outstanding |
uberziehung |
scrittura rettificata |
ecritures d'ajustement |
adjusting entry |
berichtigungsbuchungen |
scritture di magazzino |
ecritures des stocks |
inventory records |
sede legale |
siège social |
legal address |
sitz |
sindaco |
commissaire aux comptes |
statutury auditor |
abschlussprufer |
società del gruppo |
société du groupe |
company of the group |
konzerngesellschaft |
statuto |
statuts |
by-laws, articles of association |
satzung, statuten |
stocks |
stocks |
stocks (UK),inventories(US) |
vorrate |
storno |
extourne |
reversal |
stornierung |
subappalto |
sous-traitance |
sub-contract |
subunternehmer |
titoli negoziabili |
titres négociables |
negociable instruments |
wertpapiere |
utile |
bénéfice |
earning |
gewinn |
utile lordo sulle vendite |
bénéfice brut |
gross income on sales |
bruttogewinn |
utili non distribuibili |
bénéfice non distribué/ou bénéfices accumulés |
retained earings |
gewinn thesaurierter |
valore contabile |
montant au bilan |
book value |
bilanzansatz |
valore nominale |
valeur nominale |
face value |
nominalwert |
verbale di riunione |
procés-verbal d'une réunion |
minute of meeting |
niederrschrift/protokoll |